My story

Hi! I’m Sami! Legally, Samantha, Sam to a few, but since I was teensy I went by Sami, one “M” one “I”. I say teensy loosely, because I have ALWAYS been tall. 5’10” right now to be exact.

I have been a tall, long legged, dancing gal since the age of 2. Dance was my first love and my forever love. My mom even tried to get me involved in other sports as a kid, but I’d leap and cartwheel everywhere, and it was clear that dance was and is my passion.

I grew up in Pompton Plains, NJ where I danced competitively at Performing Arts Academy under Dawn LaViola-Schaub from kindergarten through the end of high school. I sang in choir at church and school from a young age, took voice lessons for a short year in middle school at Linda Benanti’s Voice Studio, and performed in a few musical theatre shows at a community center during my last few years of high school.  I then committed to a BFA dance program at Montclair State University in NJ, but I ultimately decided to push off school because I booked my first professional job dancing for a cruise line. Thrilled to start my career at 18, I performed with Royal Caribbean Cruise Line for 3 contracts spanning over 2 1/2 years, traveling internationally. After my third cruise contract, I booked an off-Broadway show at the Players Theatre in Greenwich Village and my first regional theatre contract. Unfortunately those dreams got cut short because of the pandemic…

…Life, as we knew it, got flipped upside down in 2020, but I am proud to say I spent that time, after mourning the loss of my purpose and our industry, learning and growing and singing. I studied piano and music theory with a friend and mentor, taught and choreographed for young dancers at my local dance studio, and most importantly spent quality time with my family. It was the fuel and fire I didn’t know I needed.  And since the summer of 2021 rolled around, I have been blessed to work and perform in a multitude of shows at regional theaters and in national tours all over the country. I’m excited to continue on my journey and see where God brings me next.